
Governor Josh Green, M.D., has appointed new members to the Governor’s Advisory Committee on Marine Affairs including NELHA’s executive director Greg Barbour.  Members of this collective group hold influential positions ...
Read More Governor Green Announces Appointments to Marine Affairs Advisory Committee

The highly anticipated website for HOST Park, Hawaii’s premier hub for research and development in renewable energy and ocean science and technology, is officially live. This user-friendly platform is your ...
Read More HOST Park Unveiled: Dive into an Ocean of Innovation Online

Conservation International has finalized the 2018 Ocean Health Index for Hawaii.  The final score was 74 out of 100 with Livelihoods & Economies, Offshore Fisheries, and Sense of Place scoring relatively ...
Read More Conservation International 2018 Ocean Health Index

The Marine Mammal Center officially opened the Hawaiian  Monk Seal  Hospital, Ke Kai Ola, on September 2. The new $3.2M facility will play a critical role in rescuing and caring ...
Read More Grand Opening and blessing of Ke Kai Ola at NELHA

The Marine Mammal Center has successfully completed fundraising for the Hawaiian monk seal hospital, Ke Kai Ola. The initial construction phase of the $3.2 million facility, located at NELHA,  is ...
Read More Hawaiian Monk Seal Hospital, Ke Kai Ola, Fully Funded