
NELHA’s wellness program (called HOST OLA) was approved as a Blue Zones. Thank you to Lee-Ann and Kirsten form Blue Zones and the entire crew at NELHA for making this ...
Read More NELHA is approved as a Blue Zones Organization

NELHA has received an award from the US Department of Energy to utilize the existing 4 acre CSP array to provide heat for a forward osmosis project. The project plans ...
Read More NELHA Receives M Federal Funding for Forward Osmosis Desalination Project

Conservation International has finalized the 2018 Ocean Health Index for Hawaii.  The final score was 74 out of 100 with Livelihoods & Economies, Offshore Fisheries, and Sense of Place scoring relatively ...
Read More Conservation International 2018 Ocean Health Index


Ecoult new lead acid battery was installed on April 20, 2018 by Renewable Energy Systems. The battery will be evaluated by Sandia National Laboratories over the course of a full ...
Read More Ecoult Advanced Lead Acid Battery in Installed in NELHA ESS Test Bed

EPSCoR ‘Ike Wai Dance

Posted on Apr 20, 2018 in Main

Check out the Water Cycle Dance created an performed by our colleagues from UH created and performed at NELHA for EPSCoR ‘Ike Wai (knowledge of water).  

Don’t miss it!

Check out the press release issued today!

Deadline is approaching for student scholarship applications for a science degree at Palamanui: June 1, 2017! Additional information including courses on this two page flyer!