
We are excited to share that Pacific Hybreed, after a few months construction and despite COVID 19, has started operations at its new biosecure breeding station at NELHA. The hatchery ...
Read More Pacific Hybreed starts operations at its NELHA biosecure breeding station

Below are some links to some recent interesting reports on the future and possible benefits of aquaculture. Scenarios for global aquaculture and its role in human nutrition Benefits and costs ...
Read More The future of aquaculture in times of COVID 19

NELHA is still in the lead for the Solar Prize 4 ACCELerator Challenge for Connectors with 29 points… But we are even more interested in helping teams win the solar ...
Read More NELHA is in the lead for the AMC Solar 4 Prize Accelerator Challenge

NELHA is now a Connector for the US Department of Energy American-Made Challenges which aims to accelerate US domestic energy and global business opportunities. There are various challenges out at ...
Read More US Department of Energy American-Made Challenges

Buy Hawaii, Give Aloha portal is up!

Posted on Jul 8, 2020 in Main

DBEDT is very pleased to announce the live launch of the Buy Hawaii, Give Aloha portal site at DBEDT created this portal site to promote the online shopping sites ...
Read More Buy Hawaii, Give Aloha portal is up!

News of the new aquaculture accelerator at NELHA is spreading around the world: Office of Gov Ige Press Release West Hawaii Today (Launch) West Hawaii Today (kickoff event) Big Island ...
Read More HATCH selected to run State Aquaculture Accelerator at NELHA

Information regarding the NELHA Second Conference on Energy Storage Trends and Opportunities can be found at the summary web page. West Hawaii Today article emphasized one of the sessions which ...
Read More NELHA ESS Conference Dec 5-6, 2018 Photos

NELHA is moving on recommendations resulting from the 2017 Aquaculture Summit! See this press release  and articles from West Hawaii Today and University of Hawaii for details. Also an RFI ...
Read More NELHA, SBDC and UH form a strategic partnership to expand global aquaculture growth

Caterpillar Inc. and Pacific International Space Center and Explorations Systems (PISCES) are partnering to launch a first annual international robotics competition to bring college teams from around the world.  The ...
Read More NELHA to Host Caterpillar and PISCES International Robotics Challenge in 2019.

Watch DR. Claire Simeone’s April 2018 TED Talk as she explains why she coined the term “zoognosis” to define the knowledge spread between humans and animals, and how it applies ...
Read More Ke Kai Ola’s Director Dr. Claire Simeone was selected to be a 2018 TED Fellow