
PACIFIC BUSINESS NEWS ARTICLE Playing the export game Hawaii is a tiny part of the global exporting industry, but more companies are connecting to international markets Bill Cresenzo Reporter- Pacific ...
Read More Hawaii Top Exports: Bottled Water and Cold Water Shrimp

West Hawaii Today reports that  WHEA will likely reach its target of obtaining its certificate of occupancy for the new campus this summer.

The APCES (Asia Pacific Clean Energy Energy Summit) will include a section on Agriculture Innovation this year September 15-17, 2014. 

Community Forum on Energy Issues

Posted on Jun 17, 2014 in Energy

Energy issues to be discussed at upcoming community forum/talk story session. This forum at the West Hawaii Civic Center on June 24, 2014 6:00 PM is organized by Representative Nicole ...
Read More Community Forum on Energy Issues

Solar Project at NELHA shuts down

Posted on May 20, 2014 in Energy

Holaniku at Keahole Point has shut down. More details from Pacific Business News article.

The plan is for the Hawaii Community College at Palmanui to be up and running next year. And they may be offering a degree in marine sciences… Find out more from ...
Read More Marine Sciences Degree at Palamanui

West Hawaii Explorations Academy plans to occupy its new location at NELHA in Fall 2014. More details are available at West Hawaii Today.

West Hawaii Today published an article on the giant groupers at Kampachi Farms located at NELHA today.

The Institute for Scientists and Engineer Educators (ISEE) at UC Santa Cruz held its annual Akamai Workforce Initiative mentor workshop at the Waikoloa Mariott on April 25-26, 2014. Several NELHA ...
Read More NELHA staff participates in ISEE Akamai Mentor Worshop

NELHA Draft EA for Internal Roads

Posted on Apr 10, 2014 in Main

NELHA has been diligently working  on planning and designing  a frontage road as well as additional internal roads. Yesterday,  West Hawaii Today reported on the EA for these roads which will ...
Read More NELHA Draft EA for Internal Roads